
Welcome-to-the-Circular-Economy EcoWool Canada

Welcome to the Circular Economy!

So, ewe've sprinkled EcoWool over your garden and you're absolutely wool-derful for making the most of this amazing waste resource: discarded wool. You may not have realized that you’ve joined a bustling community of...

Welcome to the Circular Economy!

So, ewe've sprinkled EcoWool over your garden and you're absolutely wool-derful for making the most of this amazing waste resource: discarded wool. You may not have realized that you’ve joined a bustling community of...

Help-EcoWool-divert-more-wool-from-landfill-burned-or-dumped EcoWool Canada

Help EcoWool divert more wool from landfill, bu...

Help EcoWool divert more wool from landfill, burned or dumped!

Help EcoWool divert more wool from landfill, bu...

Help EcoWool divert more wool from landfill, burned or dumped!

Where-is-all-this-waste-wool-coming-from-The-importance-of-closing-the-loop-on-wool-in-Canada EcoWool Canada

Where is all this waste wool coming from? The i...

In the autumn of 2008, an unexpected gift of two Shetland sheep began my shepherding journey. I had gone into this with a bit of idealism that all of our wool...

Where is all this waste wool coming from? The i...

In the autumn of 2008, an unexpected gift of two Shetland sheep began my shepherding journey. I had gone into this with a bit of idealism that all of our wool...

The-How-and-Why-of-Using-Wool-Pellets EcoWool Canada

The How and Why of Using Wool Pellets

We’ve done the hard work for you of taking waste wool and turning it into pellets that are super easy to use: they’re light and can be sprinkled over the...

The How and Why of Using Wool Pellets

We’ve done the hard work for you of taking waste wool and turning it into pellets that are super easy to use: they’re light and can be sprinkled over the...